The 8th International Conference on Electronic Technology and Information Science(ICETIS 2023)

Keynote Speakers (Dalian)


Prof. Tao Zhang

Jimei University, China


Bio: Zhang Tao, professor, doctoral tutor, "Distinguished Expert" of overseas high-level talents introduced by the Central Organization Department, Chief Scientist of Aerospace Changfeng of Aerospace Science and Industry Group, Vice President of Beijing European and American Alumni Association, President of Electronic Branch of Beijing Expert Association, Distinguished Expert of Beijing Overseas High-level Talents "Haiju Project", "High-end Leading Talent" of National Zhongguancun Science and Technology Demonstration and Entrepreneurship Base, Beijing International "High-end Business Talent" Award, and Chief Technical Expert of National Golden Shield Project. Expert leader of key R&D projects of informatization construction of National Development and Reform Commission, expert of national informatization projects, member of National Science and Technology Award Expert Committee, special expert of key R&D of Ministry of Science and Technology, and expert of National Natural Science Foundation of China. He used to be the chief architect of the German Volkswagen Computer Expert System, the senior consultant of the banking business of IBM Corporation of America, and the vice president of the technology and operation department of Bank of America. Engaged in the research and application of big data core algorithms, data integration and data governance, the design and construction of powerful intelligent engine middle and back-office architecture, providing 360-dimensional support for applications in various fields of foreground application scenarios, and leading the design, development and implementation of 28 intelligent application systems: 1. Smart financial risk prevention and control, 2. Smart city, 3. Safe city, 4. Intelligent transportation, 5. Smart medical care, 6. Wisdom.


Prof. Hu Sheng, Vice Dean  

Dalian Jiaotong University, China


Bio:Professor and master's supervisor of Dalian Jiaotong University, obtained a doctor's degree from Dalian University of Technology, and studied in Utah State University for 24 months from September 2008 to September 2010. His research interests include signal and information processing, embedded instrument research and development, and modern communication technology, with emphasis on fractional signal processing and intelligent instrument research and development. Participated in more than 20 provincial and ministerial level vertical scientific research projects related to signal processing; According to research progress, more than 60 academic papers have been published, including more than 10 SCI journal papers, more than 20 EI retrieval papers, and 1 academic monograph. He has successively presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund Project "Research on New Signal Processing Methods and Applications Based on Fractional Calculus and Fractional Low order Statistics", the planned project of Liaoning Provincial Department of Education "Research on Fractional Order Filter Design and Fractional Order System Modeling", and the project of Liaoning Bosch Scientific Research Initiation Fund "Research and Application on Time varying Correlation Characteristics of Random Signals Based on Fractional Order Signal Processing Technology", Basic research project of Liaoning Provincial Department of Education "Research and application of fractional calculus system modeling under alpha stable distribution".

人员2.pngProf. yuanyuan Sun

Dalian University of Technology, China


Bio: Yuanyuan Sun: PhD, Professor, PhD supervisor, mainly engaged in natural language processing, nonlinear theory and applications, and machine learning algorithms research. Relevant results have been published in IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, IET Image Processing, Plos One, the top journal of nonlinear physics, Physical Review E, Nonlinear Dynamics, the International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos", as well as in international journals and international conferences such as BIBM and IWCFTA. He was awarded the second prize of Liaoning Provincial Natural Science Academic Achievement Award and the second prize of Dalian Excellent Academic Paper. He presided over one project of the 13th Five-Year Plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology, two projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and participated in many NSFC projects on related topics. He is a reviewer of Mathematical Review, a correspondence reviewer of NSF, a member of IEEE, and a member of International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Nonlinear Dynamics, IET Image Processing, and International Journal of Computer Mathematics" and other international SCI journals reviewer.

人员2.pngProf. Wanlin Li



Bio: Wanlin Li, Professor, PhD, National Distinguished Expert. D. in Information Engineering from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany. Positions: General Director of the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Vice Chairman of Sino-German Industry 4.0 Consortium; Vice President/Director of Ningbo Institute of Intelligent Manufacturing, Zhejiang Province; Member of the Evaluation Committee of the National Major Project; Member of the Evaluation Committee of the National 863 Programme; Member of the Evaluation Committee of the National Specially Appointed Experts; Member of the Evaluation Committee of the Innovation Talent Programme of the Ministry of Education; Sole Director of Discom Corporation, a listed company in Hong Kong; Director of DST Robotics, a listed company in Korea; Director of Isardigital, Germany. Director of Isardigital, a German company. He was the CTO of Siemens Communications Group and led several R&D centres of Siemens worldwide. He was a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Information and Communication Technology; a judge of the National 03 Major Project; a judge of the National 863 High-Tech Project; a judge of the Electronics and Information Group of the National Natural Science Foundation of China; selected for the 2019 Beijing High-Level Talent Introduction Project for Universities. a judge of the 2020 Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Hundred Million Talents Project Network Communication Review.